Once strengthened and consolidated, you can put your plans into action and face life's challenges head-on.

While the topic of resource conservation is currently on everyone’s minds, it often neglects the human resource, which actually serves as the basis for all subsequent actions and measures.

To not only sustain motivation but also maintain long-term efficiency, it’s crucial to harness your own energy effectively, thereby striking a balance between energy supply, recovery, and performance.

At the core of this lies mental fitness and the right mindset. Even small routines in everyday life can bring about measurable changes. Holistic concepts such as the app-guided ” Positive Intelligence® ” training, requiring just a few minutes per day, are highly recommended for fostering new habits that sustainably and systematically boost mental fitness.


Guided Mindset Work with Positive Intelligence® - PQ®

A self-empowerment program developed by Dr. Shirzad Chamine based on years of experience and intensive neuropsychological research helps to strengthen one’s PQ® (Positive Intelligence Quotient).

PQ® for committed personalities

Similar to how athletes train their physical fitness, if you’re invested in sports, the same diligence should be applied to training your mental fitness. While we expect our minds to perform under high stress, mental fitness is just as trainable as physical fitness. It empowers us to confidently tackle challenges and unexpected situations, make the most of our potential, and find satisfaction.

Under stress, we all exhibit distinct reaction patterns ingrained to ensure our survival. However, these learned behaviors often hinder rather than help in today’s world, limiting us and complicating our lives. The first step towards empowerment is acknowledging our own reaction patterns, the saboteurs that obstruct us like bad habits. The second step is nurturing our intuition, a wellspring of innovative solutions and inner wisdom.

Who are your saboteurs? Take the Saboteur Assessment Test and discover your saboteurs!  (Assessments | Positive Intelligence)

The less we let ourselves be determined by our inner saboteurs and the faster and more purposefully our inner wisdom takes over, the higher our ” PQ®” (Positive Intelligence Quotient).

Take the PQ®-Test and determine your current PQ®! (Assessments | Positive Intelligence)

So how can you elevate your PQ® and why does this elevation lead to lasting change?

Most attempts at positive change fail because we don’t translate newfound insights into everyday habits. Sustainable change towards more positive thinking requires consistent daily practice to establish new habits, forming new neural pathways. This is precisely what our PQ® program empowers you to do!

Across complementary input and practice sessions, the 6-week app-based PQ® program heightens our awareness of our personal response patterns and reinforces the skills essential for confident behavior.
The program consists of:

  • brief daily training sessions (15min/day)
  • weekly video sessions (1hr/week)
  • a weekly reflection meeting, moderated by me

Accompanied by and based on the New York Times bestseller “Positive Intelligence®” by Dr. Shirzad Chamine. Tailored to your unique saboteurs, you will learn to respond mindfully to everyday stressors and thus more seamlessly form initial reactions to desired behaviors.

Within these 6 weeks, new habits are practiced and established, neural pathways in the brain are reconfigure, and lasting transformation begins.

PQ® for organizations and their teams

Benefiting from PQ® isn’t limited to committed leaders or employees. Although the focus of the program is on individual development, executives often describe this experience as the best team building experience they have ever had.
Going through this program together deepens trust, helps resolve recurring conflicts between team members as they are most often caused by saboteurs, and gives the whole team a common framework to help each other grow, make decisions, responding to setbacks and dealing with conflicting styles and plans.

A staggering 8 out of 10 teams never reach their full potential. The PQ® mental fitness program enables you and your team to achieve optimal performance and balance in the workplace and beyond.

The PQ® program empowers all team members build the mental muscles they need to drive lasting positive change in your organization – from stress management to change management to collaboration to innovation.

PQ® for families and youth

Mental fitness has also proven to be particularly valuable in private settings.

Within the family, the PQ® program strengthens relationships through better communication, deeper understanding, a more relaxed approach to everyday challenges. In today’s world, many young people feel overwhelming pressure and lack optimistic perspectives for the future.

Through the PQ® program, young people can find greater peace, confidence and clarity in their everyday lives. Coping with academic stress, frustrations, or the transition to professional life becomes more manageable, bolstering self-esteem.

Finally, the right mindset facilitates and strengthens relationships with friends, family members and educators.

For more information visit www.positiveintelligence.com!

© 2023 Positive Intelligence, LLC. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, alteration, translation, publication, or distribution, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without the express prior written consent of Positive Intelligence, LLC.
POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE®, PQ®, CERTIFIED PQ COACH™, PQ COACH™ and P+ logo™ are trademarks of Positive Intelligence, LLC.

Let’s strengthen your mental fitness together

  • Recognize mental fitness as the foundation for performance, balance and satisfaction
  • Meeting life’s challenges with reduced mental stress and negative emotions
  • Strengthen relationships in your professional and personal life
  • Strengthening team spirit

Let’s strengthen your mental fitness together

  • Recognize mental fitness as the foundation for performance, balance and satisfaction
  • Meeting life’s challenges with reduced mental stress and negative emotions
  • Strengthen relationships in your professional and personal life
  • Strengthening team spirit



Imagine being able to stay calm, clear, stress-free and positive even amidst the greatest challenges at work and in daily life!
Consider the possibilities this opens up for your performance, contentment, well-being, and interpersonal relationships, both personally and professionally.

Improve your mental fitness now and start with the PQ® program!

I will guide you, your team, and your family through Shirzad Chamine’s PQ® program:

  • Program facilitation
  • Conducting weekly reflection meetings
  • Tailored insights on select topics
  • Provocative talks on the PQ® methodology

Additional individual coaching sessions before and after the PQ® program provide clarity and structure.

You are welcome to arrange a free and non-binding preliminary meeting in which we get to know each other and define the next steps.



Imagine being able to stay calm, clear, stress-free and positive even amidst the greatest challenges at work and in daily life!
Consider the possibilities this opens up for your performance, contentment, well-being, and interpersonal relationships, both personally and professionally.

Improve your mental fitness now and start with the PQ® program!

I will guide you, your team, and your family through Shirzad Chamine’s PQ® program:

  • Program facilitation
  • Conducting weekly reflection meetings
  • Tailored insights on select topics
  • Provocative talks on the PQ® methodology

Additional individual coaching sessions before and after the PQ® program provide clarity and structure.

You are welcome to arrange a free and non-binding preliminary meeting in which we get to know each other and define the next steps.

5 compelling reasons for the PQ® program:

• Focus on habit formation
Most training programs lead to short-term improvements. To achieve lasting results, we focus on building neural pathways that form lasting new habits. That’s why we call this “mental fitness.”

• Treat the root cause, not just the symptoms
Identify the root cause of optimal performance and well-being and strengthen your Mental Fitness at that level.

• Develop the 3 core muscles
Strengthen all 3 essential core muscles of Mental Fitness: Saboteur Interceptor, Self-Control and Inner Wisdom to achieve comprehensive success.

• A platform for continuous growth
Similar to physical fitness, mental fitness requires a continuous training approach. After the initial six-week foundation, you can continue your personal growth through a variety of applications both professionally and personally.

• Research-based, measurable results
Effectiveness is based in extensive research and real-world trials with thousands of participants worldwide. You can rely on a sound program that will provide you with personal success and lasting satisfaction.

Frequently asked questions about the PQ® program:

The PQ® program is the right program for you if you:
a) Want to dramatically improve your performance and effectiveness while reducing stress
b) Are looking for a scientifically based and trustworthy system
c) Are willing to invest time initially to rewire years of mental habits that no longer serve you.

While some believe negative emotions have value, such as using stress to enhance performance or being hard on themselves for continuous improvement, these emotions often hinder both performance and satisfaction.

Feeling pain for a split second when your hand touches a hot stove top is indeed useful and provides an important alarm. But your own saboteurs figuratively keep their hand on the hot stove top and continue to feel negative emotions that are detrimental to both performance and satisfaction.

In this program, negative emotions are used as an alert, followed by a swift transition to the brain’s positive region, known for its calm clarity, objectivity, and creativity, which aids in effectively managing challenges.

Birgit Hayn will guide through the program and the weekly pod meetings. The weekly video sessions are personally hosted by Shirzad Chamine. He and his team also provide guidance to the exclusive online community of program participants, addressing questions and concerns.

Shirzad is the New York Times bestselling author of Positive Intelligence®, which has been translated into 20 languages. He was CEO of the largest coach training organization in the world and has trained faculty at Stanford and Yale business schools.  Shirzad lectures on Positive Intelligence at Stanford University and works with Stanford’s NCAA athletes. A preeminent C-suite consultant, Shirzad has coached hundreds of CEOs and their leadership teams. He holds a BA in Psychology, an MS in Electrical Engineering, and an MBA from Stanford University and has completed graduate studies in Neuroscience.

Over the span of 6 weeks, you commit to watching a one-hour video weekly and dedicating 15 minutes daily to practice, guided by the Positive Intelligence® app developed exclusively for this program. Birgit Hayn will guide you along the way and be available to answer additional questions.
While this may seem substantial, it adds up to less than 2% of your awake time during the program. Bear in mind that your saboteurs consume far more than 2% of your time, effort, energy and productivity. Consider how much more than 2% in time and productivity this six-week investment will save you for years to come.

You would never learn to ride a bike by reading a book about it. You will be asked to read the first 8 chapters of the book while participating in the program. The book provides the research base and introduces the tools.
The video session guides you through experiential exercises that help tailor the tools to your own personality and needs. And the app guides you to practice one tool at a time in the context of your own daily work and life challenges.

Frequently asked questions about the PQ® program:

The PQ® program is the right program for you if you:
a) Want to dramatically improve your performance and effectiveness while reducing stress
b) Are looking for a scientifically based and trustworthy system
c) Are willing to invest time initially to rewire years of mental habits that no longer serve you.

While some believe negative emotions have value, such as using stress to enhance performance or being hard on themselves for continuous improvement, these emotions often hinder both performance and satisfaction.

Feeling pain for a split second when your hand touches a hot stove top is indeed useful and provides an important alarm. But your own saboteurs figuratively keep their hand on the hot stove top and continue to feel negative emotions that are detrimental to both performance and satisfaction.

In this program, negative emotions are used as an alert, followed by a swift transition to the brain’s positive region, known for its calm clarity, objectivity, and creativity, which aids in effectively managing challenges.

Birgit Hayn will guide through the program and the weekly pod meetings. The weekly video sessions are personally hosted by Shirzad Chamine. He and his team also provide guidance to the exclusive online community of program participants, addressing questions and concerns.

Shirzad is the New York Times bestselling author of Positive Intelligence®, which has been translated into 20 languages. He was CEO of the largest coach training organization in the world and has trained faculty at Stanford and Yale business schools.  Shirzad lectures on Positive Intelligence at Stanford University and works with Stanford’s NCAA athletes. A preeminent C-suite consultant, Shirzad has coached hundreds of CEOs and their leadership teams. He holds a BA in Psychology, an MS in Electrical Engineering, and an MBA from Stanford University and has completed graduate studies in Neuroscience.

Over the span of 6 weeks, you commit to watching a one-hour video weekly and dedicating 15 minutes daily to practice, guided by the Positive Intelligence® app developed exclusively for this program. Birgit Hayn will guide you along the way and be available to answer additional questions.
While this may seem substantial, it adds up to less than 2% of your awake time during the program. Bear in mind that your saboteurs consume far more than 2% of your time, effort, energy and productivity. Consider how much more than 2% in time and productivity this six-week investment will save you for years to come.

You would never learn to ride a bike by reading a book about it. You will be asked to read the first 8 chapters of the book while participating in the program. The book provides the research base and introduces the tools.
The video session guides you through experiential exercises that help tailor the tools to your own personality and needs. And the app guides you to practice one tool at a time in the context of your own daily work and life challenges.